Friday didn't go school, ended up chatting with old friends from rugby club. Then after a few hrs reach home liao to my surprise lynn came over with this apple tart/pie(See Pic 1). It was very unexpected but sweet of her =). Later on since there wasn't much to do, started rebonding each other's hair LOL. Of which as u all know, me being obsessed with hair etc, did a much better straightening job whahaha. ( see before and after pic 2)
Few hours later into the evening, met up with the guys for dinner. It's been awhile since we all just went out without the gals. Fun! We ended up heading over to mel's and started training and wrestling before the tag team match haha. Can't usually be ourselves when we have others with us so yesterday was really a moment, especially with some of us going into army and all. Happy pre-birthday asshole =) Hope u had fun dude, BUT WAIT! There's STILL SunDAY!
Woke up a few hrs later into saturday. Had to rush to KW's place to help prepare bbq. Sadly supposed to meet Craft at expo but too last min ba. Sorry dude =( then lagi worse another fren jio go expo =_=. Ps lah!!! Moving on, had a nice bbq, made my specially requested prawns which was instantly gobbled up by all those hungry mouths. We all played that card-drinking game. Fun =) ended up no more soft-drinks/tea/vodka so started playing with cups of water. After awhile none of us cud tahan liao, i myself drank like 1 litre of water on top of drinks and dinner bahs, can seriously die. *Bloated*

Once we had our share of drinks, it was BlackJack time!! Ok today officially i got owned. OMG! I never lose! I take it as a lesson to be learnt. Better Stop be4 addicted bah summore
lost $13 as banker to 8 people! Shout outs to ting ting and sam for good playin zZz, eat my money. idiot.

It's now almost midnight and im waiting for last bus after this long day, sadly enough i happen to be sitting at the bus stop that me and my ex had a few memories. Even our name is still on the bus stop pillar after all this years =_= ( see pic ). I couldn't erase it off balls! damn it why did i use permanent ink

Ok Ok, i know some of you have asked me abt the tag column, problem is i dunno how to put =_=. Wat a night and tmr it gets better =)
Ok it's off to doing project reports and some studying =_= (as if!)
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