Sunday, November 16, 2008

Some of the pictures from previous blog entry. Was lazy to put it on the other night =)

today wake up liao then go back sleep =_=, buffet lunch was cancelled with frens and i hope it wasn't on my account :X

spent the day doing projects before meetin one of me mates for gym before dinner.

Later fren come over pass me my very very belated bday present since she was overseas. Thanks a lot Joycelyn =)

You guys know that the new Comfort Cabs all come equipped with this touched screen Tv? u can watch shows, check out movie reviews/times/previews etc. damn cool! all i need now is the tv to help u pay ur bills on the go, so i dun need stop by the stupid SAM machines at the mrt station before i go home every month zZz.

Quite boring today lahs nuthing much to say or type about. =)


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