Friday, November 14, 2008

Thurday heng got fren call me to wake up, go school till evening. *Sian-ness* come home change clothes shower then chiong to work. Wah reach work want die liao. Heng got frens to talk to all the way till 3am. Interesting night, lots of cool/wierd/wierd/wierd people coming to club since it's ladies night. Joan kena jio out by 1 butch, funny sia! (Sucks to be you especially when every week u kena babe). Too tired didn't have time go see lynn after her prom night. Summore wait for me just to see her hair and dress, hiaz sorry u tio pungseh =( will make up to u. REach home liao rest a bit chiong school! school over liao go home rest. Lazy and tired didn't meet my brothers and sisters in town at some club. Sorry all really tired and no money... 12midnight liao go meet lyn and to my surprise she buy me all this chocolate! i alr unfit still want me eat chocolate? haha thanks thanks <3 chit chat then go macdonalds at white sands, saw my ex and her bf *awkward* sadly nvr say hello to me but nvm =) (liar! u nvr cut hair lor!) Coming 2am liao send lyn home then go meet frens at downtown east watch Medageska (bo bian dunno how to spell), DAMN NICE MOVIE, i recommend u all go watch! Saw my old buddy and church fren watchin james bond, sigh we need catch up soon! Now 0530hrs nvr sleep properly 2-3 days want sleep liao. Had fun with ever1 today especially lyn, thanks for the gift and help haha. Damn paiseh la.

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