Friday, January 23, 2009


HELLO EVERY1! omg so sorry, i know ive been away for close to a month, but i have been real busy, as in REALLY BUSY. been working like mad now after sch and on weekends so i dun even have time for anything and barely anyone, it's got to a point that i hav to do my homework and projects on the bus journey home from work around 11pm at night to midnight. Recession has hit me a little hard i must admit, instead of working multiple jobs im now doing 1-2 full time jobs, however my boss told me that he can't afford to keep me =X saddens to hear.
Well since the 31st dec there's been many parties, outings, meetings, i made new frens and discovered that my friendships with some frens were more then just a hi and bye situation.
Gong xi fai chai to ever1, hope your all celebrating too, cuz i know i am! whaha =)
take care all, see ya soon
ok back to work, brb