Monday, November 17, 2008

Started off the day in school. * Boring! * Played around with gab's rubic's cube! LOL. Have this classmate named gabriel who i think really eats, sleeps and shits the rubic's cube. He has really spent a lot of time and money on this cube of so called " entertainment " which im still very oblivious to currently. playin with it for 20-30 mins is fine with me, but constantly during class and after class is jus pure madness balls! But he has a pretty good record throughout campus, with under 20 seconds to complete the normal sized one. keep up the cube work!

Anyways lectures as usual, however on this particular monday morning, the heavens blessed us with a blackout! Whole entire lecture class was sitting in a pitch black room which was previously known as a lecture class for 30 mins. Once classes resumed it's brief and memorable interruption, half of us jus decided to catch some shut eye. Oh which some of us decided to disturb those sleepy ones with a little tickling surprise ( see video )

Moving on to MTM tutorial, when it came to project submission, one of my group members accidently did my part instead of his! omg the teacher was nuts about it and since i was just lazy to solve the problem, i jus said i'll do it. Without realising it meant that my group member takes my 3 hours of work and $2.80 of printing and i get nothin and do another part of the project all over again. Oh well cool =) good thing the teacher gave me an extention to solve this shitty situation ( 2 days! =_= )

Already sian about the lost of sleep the previous night decided go back to CU class to play cards, ended up playing cards with edwin, gilbert ( other gilbert ) and munWai. One hour later the money like nvr move. Dulan already go to some deserted place in school and play hardcore BlackJack. Play till sian for 2 hrs until only EdWIN and MYSELF left on the table, i mean floor.

Another hour passed and even my Double Ace's and Triple 7's ( 7 times pay) couldnt get us anywhere. ended up playin 8-10 hands against the banker ( edwin ). In other words, i made 8-10 bets against the banker, so i played for 10 people but actually for myself. Think towards the end almost killed ourselves laughing with the lameness of the game. BUT i emerged with $14 =) thanks bro for ur money whahahah!!

{ Bro i think it's pay back for the other day when u kicked my ass hard with ur last hand! Wat goes comes around i always say! Eat that bitch! =) }

Anyways after playin already sian, went meet up with louis at white sands, play the arcade racing game " Midnight 3" to brush up for his driving praticals etc before having a light dinner and slacking at the poolside. The rest of the group was already out at one of the houses playin monopoly, sadly we were just too tired to play, especially me with all that card play.

Ended the night playing online games with the clan, about 10 of us tonight! quite good responce balls! then argue with my so called fren, which i can't be bothered explaining since the reason was just purely a waste of time and stupid.
Hmms now got project to do again! and test to study for. Stay tuned!

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