Off to school, already tired need wear formal =_+".....Few hours preparing before we finally presented our work to the examiners. wow was it difficult and stressful. Was about to brake down luckily got my group members destress me and lynn keep msging and calling for support. Otherwise sure mati liao zZz. (THanks)

Finally the moment of great anticipation had arrived! 9 months of solar cell work was finally put at ease. Ever1, well most of us, went down to this cafe/pub/entertainment place ( mostly a pub ) to celebrate and eat my first meal of the day! damn hungry zZz. spent a couple of hrs there with ever1, we sing Kbox, play cards, play those dartboard machines, eat and play that drinking game. Seriously la guys, time well spent! But then saturday is BBq time =)

Coming 12 midnight liao, faster take train to pasir ris, met up with lynns for supper at this hong kong cafe at whitesands. Siao already 1am still can serve food. People dun need slp ar? Eat liao, food was so so la, not that nice, they add too much MSG/Salt, eat liao then raining! Wah rain like siao! really mad, my room the TV sure kena water zZz ( It did ). We ended up waiting for rain to stop a bit then her slipper break, slowly slowly walk to her hse. Very slowly! lol end up still raining i cannot walk back home so we play cards. I jialat liao everday can play cards with ever1 whahaha i think i addicted liao.
All in all a nice day, now it's coming 4am and im bloody energetic zZz. Wow i wonder wats school life gonna be like when we dun have the burden of doing the MP/SIP any longer ba. Finally can go back to gym in peace =)
Hmms did i miss anytin? oh yea! found $10 this now while going home =) tmr free lunch/dinner whahaha.
TC n Nitex
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