Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sian need Study!

Woke up at about 11am, cut myself shaving! OMG how embarassing, first time i cut and i cut my ear, and it still hurts zZz.
Since i dun usually have school on wednesday, went to school at noon to meet up with my group members to continue doing the Main Project (MP). *Rain rain Raining* Went to Sim Lim tower with tien rui and zachary get the components needed. Damn heavy rain! *Rain rain Drenched!!*

Whole day nvr eat so we went 7-11 before going back to school, the whole 7-11 like got no food, in the end bought those bread and share with the guys. What's the point of having a store when there's like totally no food in it? Hmms.

Already annoyed cuz no food in the tummy not to mention tired, returned to school finish up then zhao. Been resting the last few hrs till now, cuz tmr is Material Science Quiz!!! yea!!! im so happy! =_=

Good luck tomorrow guys, ok i go study ba shoo shoo shoe!

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