Woke up sunday morning and shit! i have a project report due the next day and a presentation. Gosh not to mention im supposed to meet up with the fellas for a bbq throughout the night till the next morning be4 i head to sch. Ended up rushing my work from 11am to like 8pm zZz. Nvr eat jus do work all the way LOL. On the way over bumped into an old fren, had a nice chat after so LONG! Coming midnight made my way to Asaph's penth-house for the meet up with the rest of the fellas. No bbq! no Food! omg no food!*Stomach Sounds* lol. ended up playing around listening to good music, playing monopoly, pool table, pull ups =_= and drinking games. In between was doing my projects and assignments as the fun was taking place =_=, im sucha nerd.
Since i had school and stuff, and im not much of a drinker, my bottle of absolute was wacked by 3 people! ( Can u guess who ? ) They ended up so pissed ( drunk ) and started making wierd sounds and doing stupid things haha, almost punched one of them for being such an ass.
Some Drinks went by and they started humping each other in the ass! LOL ( Pic 2 ) and a couple of drinks later they're wasted! (Pic 3)
A Few more Drinks LATER.......(pic 4)
......................A threesome =_=
Well all in all it was great fun which lasted till about 5am, of which i continued with my school work and got some sleep be4 making my way to sch at sunlight =)
Great day, Great fun, Great Gays, and Great Company =)
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