Monday, November 24, 2008


Well woke up today after a sweet-ass weekend then something hit me. I have a project due today!!!! OMFG! WTF! LOL! LMAO! im so dead, faster shower chiong to school to do my main project as usual, no time no time! 3pm must submit this LAME ASS MTM PROJET and i haven't started! oh my golly gosh im so screwed! every1 around me has started and finished! die liao. 1 hr be4 project must show teacher i chiong! chiong like got 8 legs spider, jus chiong! heng hengs got at least 2 page of write up + research and materials.

The result? I GOT a BLODDY A!!!! LOL. What the hell is going on balls? anyhow wack get A sia, zZz. Worse of all all my classmates not happy cuz no1 else got A. one guy say even want slap me zZz. Tmr go sch sure got ppl disturb me de. " Guys u know what? i beat you! whahah." ok tmr ppl sure wack me de after see this post. faster change topic =) __

After school and projects and MP, took 15 to whitesands to meet mums, dads and sis for dinner. bumped into denny phua on bus, had a nice chat be4 he got off then i alone on bus sitting next to 2 gay guys =_= seriously their hands all over each other until i sian i change seat ba. sebei disgusting. bumped into louis and um yea :X be4 having dinner. Now thinking to jog over to meet lynn (5km) or jus jog around my condo (2.4km) ??? hmms i wonder.

oh well nice day, kinda rushing and stressed but all turned out well. Now it's time for a destressing serving of jogging =)
good luck guys for wednesday's final presentation before our party on saturday =)
good luck to those waiting for results

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