In sch today all my mates really made an effort to cover up the surprise plan
ned. It was so well done that i almost got upset that there wasn't any cake! bastards! lol jokin jokin. Well edwin really made me suffer first like he always does before i can definately enjoy anything that comes out of his ass. However you guys gave it away when you were speaking chinese directly infront of me, um hello i am chinese and i do understand 60% of watever said.
I ended up playin along with their tricks and scams. I even disappeared for 15 mins before the actual surprise to scare them into believing that i already left school and was on my way home. HAHA! EVIL! But guys sincerely thanks so much for all the surprises and especially throwing cake into my face. It was bad enough u made a mess but smearing cake into my hair was just evil! ASSHOLES! lol. Thanks for the cards and presents, sad to say not ever1 was free since we all had different schedules, if eve
r1 came maybe there wudn't be 1/4 of cake on my face =)
Anyways throughout the day my phone was seriously off the hook. Messages and calls were coming through and im pretty sure it got some of my mates and the teachers especially pissed off. LOL! Yes ar! I love it when it's ur bday and ur pretty much untouchable baby! Thanks too all those who either called, msn-ed, facebooked, friendster and sms-ed me birthday wishes. I'm seriously still in a state of shock but with an equal serving of warmth. Thanks Rozanna and ting ting for the present and thanks to Gilbert, Ryan, Junadi, Yu Hui and Edwin for whatever ur gonna pass me tmr =)
After washing my hair and cleaning up the mess made by cake thanks to Zachary and Tien Rui, i was rushing out of the house to meet up with an old fren. Wow did she plan sometin, well you kinda planned right? haha. Well we headed down to Bugis where we had this dinner at some hotel
before playing pool. Omg you kicked my ass in pool! zZz I'm so gonna get you the next game we play. We were in the company of her fren and bf. Kinda looked like a double date haha. Anwyays thanks a lot lynn for the night, was great to spend the remaining hours of celebration catching up with an old friend. =) Oh and did i say dinner was great? Thanks for looking out for me <3
Thanks to everyone who has done something for me be it any day of the year. Thanks to those who has been there for me especially in my time of need regardless of time or day. This introduction to my 20th chapter has really been somewhat special and i'm very greatful to have friends like all of you. Thanks so much and god bless =) Next time i dun care! one of u sure kena cake!

Well i'm dead tired, the last few days the amount of activities are just too much lol. Goodnight!
Oh and fren (you know who you are), stop reading and start studying. All the best for wed and the following week and especially tonight.
Peace out!
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