my sis jus threw the frizbe (flying plastic plate) into the air, my cat try chase and she RAN INTO THE DOOR!!!! lol wtf!!! i heard one loud thud on my door, open see my cat blur blur wondering wtf just happened. lol. your just damn cute la baby tesse!
Anyways saturday! beautiful morning, erm i mean afternoon, overslept then was late to meet up with everyone at bedok. Yup some of u were right, sure too tired to gym la at 8am zzz. Ok so everyone met up at bedok interchange, Adeline, Fuad, Huihoon, Yu Shuang and myself. Had a nice well meal kinda, i ate half a bowl of porriage and then cannot finish zz =_=, my appetite can really like baby sometimes. Anyways so we all eventually made our way to Queensway for shopping!
Well ok, really spent as little as i could today, bought Only wat i needed! Spent $41 on a nike gym bag, $66 on a pair of running shoes (addidas had 30% discount), and a pair of nike slippers for $58.
TOTAL = 41+58+66 = $165 <<<<<<<<<< i usualy dun buy branded, but heys i need sometin that will last, besides my feet and my back very important. What's a few hundred dollars compared to your health?
Hmms after dinner that time, hoon, ys and adeline all had things on so fuad and myself went to orchard, buy ipod classic, well he bought, i see and touch only haha. Unforunately orchard no more stock, so we ask them call suntec book. Off we went to suntec! wah damn late liao coming 10pm, the shutters were closed, cannot go in, ask ppl nicely open door, say we got reserve one, then they open store for us, wah so good sia feel like rich rich VIP people LOL. buy liao they still so nice then we zhao. go home liao. the end.
now i tired like nobody's business, but always had time for family, chit chat with mum and dad then with sis and the cat. LOL. then my dad watching this old elvis movie (black-white movies) then i anyhow go dance like elvis and play guitar, lol whole family keep laughing until face red. Goodtimes =)
Today's Receipe

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