Well alright after gym etc went to slp for an hr, met up with mummy at Tampines.

It's been a long time since we went shopping together, oh wait it's been A LONG TIME! Since sis is always with us, she went to camp today at Sentosa, i think about $40 for 1 night she stay there sleep in underwater world and see all the thing, i spent

last night begging her to try and hide me inside her luggage so i can go too.
Mums and me went from shop to shop, mall to mall lol, in the end i bought mummy 2 pairs of shoes or is it heels? i don't know what you call it, and i bought myself finally a pair of shoes!

Since everyone was nudging me to buy one. But i think i really have enough shoes LOL. WAit i upload the pics and u see the shoes i bought and my collection of shoes =_=" LOL.

Hmms since it's louis's bday tmr, i bought his fav red wine. Cost a lil more then my price range but nvm, it's worth it, he's still a bro of mine. Tmr shd be fun fun day just like everyday =) um oh yea lets see, did grocery shopping,

and i went to this boutigue selling spects. WOW so nice la!! zzz, wish i didn't buy my POLICE spects, cost me $300+ and i like nvr wear, idiot sia. But this one i really liked was $400, hiaz one day when i really have the money. lol. im gonna get a cheap $50 framed spects, nice and casual, cuz half the time when im out i always bumped into friends, like today i walked right pass Natasha and i didn't say hi, she had to punch me to get my attention. Nice to see ya Nat, miss ur spagetti and meatballs =(
These are like all my new shoes, i think should be using them for at lease next 2 years, since i'll be in army for quite awhile, won't use so much, so last longer =)
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