Well, first things first woke up had a beautiful family bbq, it was really nice to be among mum, dad, sis and lil tesse(cat), having a bbq INSIDE THE HSE WTF!! so smelly la now, and it's alr been like a few hrs.
Straight after lunch chiong to school, sadly no1 going with me as every1 alr went, thanks guys for calling me on thurs to go, but ps was to accompany a fren go, we catch up soon =)....anyways ended up my fren saw me, well lets say not so close fren, but sum1 a bit bit weird. He talk too religious until too sian too listen, end up nothing to do, from TP we walk to Tamp Int, then from there i go home.
Home liao, fuad came over for gym, gym gym gym until now 6:35pm, lol shoik my body feel damn hyper now, later at night still meeting wl for gym across the road. Power la, today gym 2 times, like 2 hrs each. Shoik balls! tonight she be doing running, sit ups and cruches since this now alr do the heavy lifting, weeeeeeeeeeeeeee =)
Ok la, well hope everyone has a nice weekend, even how bad or worse certain issues can get, always try to make the best out of it, especially make the best out of the time left with the people you love.
Have a few frens with relatives in hospital this few weeks, really pray that things will be ok. My prayers to you all.
Peace and Love
Marky Mark
1st May,
Hey it's a public holiday! means i get $14/hour! cool man. but anyways since i was working PM shift, i cud only join my frens for BBall after 9pm. Sadly when i met them at sempang for dinner, only a few ppl were there, some went home after bball or others had other commitments. oh well when i got there it was clearly that not ever1 was familiar with each other, or lets put it, is in talking terms with each other, sometin internal conflict crap. So as usual i try to talk my crap to brighten up the mood. Happens that the waiter screwed up our orders dunno like 4 times?!!??!! So it was like chit chatty all the way! Overall i think we had fun, cuz it was sometin to do other then working together, makes the friendship that much stronger!
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