Today is graduation day lol, where to begin, argh nvm im gonna cut short, met up with all my brothers and sisters and my frens and some people who i just say hi to but know my name? LOL.

haha. well during the graduation ceremony the 1st speaker said this " We an institution of 19 years , have geared our students to prepare for the work sector where they will be fully equipped to cope with current situations" >>>>>>>>>>OUR IMMEDIATE RESPONCE WAS >>>>>> " BULLSHIT! "
Well once graduation was over it was off to take pics with frens and chit chat.

Think i smiled at lease 80 times today lol.

my cheeks still hurt, until i got to a point i just grinned in every photo!

LOL, although a fren dared me to do sometin stupid on stage when collecting my diploma, i didn't dare, the lady was so nice, i even picked a conversation with one of the teachers while waiting to walk up on stage.
Oh and midway my pants tore. something on the chair ripped it leaving a nice hole on the side of my leg, some people probablly thought i was doing sometin wild, well that was one of the comments haha. So lucky i wore boxes, otherwise it would had been up very weird, people already had a nice view of my upper thigh haha, i even ended up in a photo with my leg showing, should be featured on MAXIM.

Well nothing much to say here, just the guys standing in a line, with me *no surprise* at the very end =_=

Some individual photos with some friends =)
hiax although i will try to keep contact with everyone,

it will not be easy as some u only know through a sch relationship or some who are flying overseas.

BUT it was great , shook hands and even hugged a few people here and there until now im scared that i might just get the H1M1 virus =_=.

Anyways i went home to change then met up with frens in town, APES CAFE, which is between douby ghout and bugis, opp paradis.

Had good Food, KBOX, DRINKS, ETC. Since i dun exactly drink anything alcoholic had a nice iced mocha which cost $7, might as well visit starbucks as i actually finished the drink in 10 seconds after it came to the table la zzz.

Cut short, stayed till 11pm, then kw sent me back home halfway in his car, and i've been blogging since i was waiting for the bus till i got home right now. OK OK tired tired, gonna chat to a few frens and sleep. NITEXppl.