Monday, December 15, 2008

New Room in process

Well i pretty much slept at 7am this morning planning the so called *blue prints* for the room makeover. Woke up 1-2 hrs later and started work on my new room to be! I took apart things from tables, chairs, T.V. Console, bed to be either washed, tanned in the sun, or spray painted. STarted clearing all this shit in my room, had like a dozen bags most of which kindly given from my ex. Worse while cleaning up things, i found more things belonging to my ex. Argh!! can i have 1 normal day without anthing to do with her?!?! holy crap balls! But yea continued clearing, and vacumning and sweeping and mopping. I can be the number 1 house wife!! but yea it was great form of an destressing agent where i can just keep myself occupied *sum1's proposal, not mentioning any names =_=*

(Before and after pic of table, ran out of paint and i haven't polished it yet, i kw it's a bad job right? haha)

My cat was a little enthusiastic about the whole event taking place in my room. She even offered to help sniff around and catch any bugs or in most cases dust particles SINCE I DON'T HAVE BUGS IN MY ROOM =)

Gosh many many hrs into doing up my room i find some stuff that doesn't belong to me here's a list :

1)InuYasha Collection CD 1-4 and 8- 12

2)Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban Book (i think my ex's)

3)Nike T-shirt and Shorts

4)Pair of Shoes (i think some gvss student)


6)Couple of Dvd's and Cd's belonging to a few people

7)Tennis ball =_=

It's like my room is the size of the White House! so much shit lying everywhere but all that's changed now baby, i put books and stuff in boxes and labelled them clearly =)

Well it's 12am im sick of doing my room, time for my fav midnight joggin session. i think i will continue later on in the afternoon, but be4 then a few shout outs :

  1. Hoon, thanks for intro to lil cuz
  2. Lil cuz, use this time wisely to work hard and plan ur future babe
  3. My man, kept me waiting so long! tsk tsk tsk
  4. MiuMiu, i'm proud and happy for you, but i'll wait and i dunno why.
  5. Tesse' the pet cat who can clean and scrubb

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