My cat was a little enthusiastic about the whole event taking place in my room. She even offered to help sniff around and catch any bugs or in most cases dust particles SINCE I DON'T HAVE BUGS IN MY ROOM =)

1)InuYasha Collection CD 1-4 and 8- 12
2)Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban Book (i think my ex's)
3)Nike T-shirt and Shorts
4)Pair of Shoes (i think some gvss student)
6)Couple of Dvd's and Cd's belonging to a few people
7)Tennis ball =_=
It's like my room is the size of the White House! so much shit lying everywhere but all that's changed now baby, i put books and stuff in boxes and labelled them clearly =)
Well it's 12am im sick of doing my room, time for my fav midnight joggin session. i think i will continue later on in the afternoon, but be4 then a few shout outs :
- Hoon, thanks for intro to lil cuz
- Lil cuz, use this time wisely to work hard and plan ur future babe
- My man, kept me waiting so long! tsk tsk tsk
- MiuMiu, i'm proud and happy for you, but i'll wait and i dunno why.
- Tesse' the pet cat who can clean and scrubb
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