Anyways work up today and went downstairs to accompany lil sista for the pre-Christmas Party held at our condo by the poolside. So damn cool la! Ever1 came down (mostly kids) and had fun and games and food etc. Wasn't gonna go but i promised lil sis that i'll accompany so had to cancel my plans of meetin frens for the day and was pretty much grounded at home or in most cases around the pool.
In more details, this party was hosted by the management for mostly the kids to have fun and come together. Holy shit my condo is filled with younglings! so many kids and i didn't know. The guy hosting the show on the stage was a total ass. Just our normal neighbourhood typical singaporean like some of us, but was trying to speak ang moh. Speak until so jialat all the adults didn't really understand. When he was explaining abt the game rules to the kids, he spoke so chim some of the kids started looking away LOL. My sis was on the stage and when prompted for her name, he commented about a famous soccer player 15 yrs ago and spoke about it for 5 mins to ever1 =_= WORSE was 80% of the kids walked away from the stage and went to the playground. I rather have a wardrobe malfuntion then a severe case of A.D.D balls! (Attention Deficit Disorder)
As for the food, i couldn't be bothered queing since all the people so typical take 2-3 plate fulls of food. Sure enough when i go toilet come back, food meant for 50 people was gone, trays were scrubbed clean and most likely licked off. WHY you say? cuz so many inconsiderate people take food like they nvr see be4!!!! mummy came down and first thing she saw was a grandma and aunty taking 5 plates of a mountain of food! in the end they cannot eat they bring home or throw away. inconsiderate bastards!!! haha.
Towards the night since i nvr eat! i decided to order macdonalds at 12am. I'm the type of person who hates fast food, but the last 3 weeks im been craving to try the MEGA MAC! I ordered mac delievery which brought my McSpicy MegaMac Value Meal, Happy Meal (for sista) = $15.

Louis came down around 1230am so we sat at the pool, whilst i was eating he took out a lil surprise present! OMG why would a guy get me a present, and it's not even christmas yet? (SEE PIC 3) GAY?
While i was eating, he was trying to get me all touched and shit, that he got me a present. STarted making me feel guilty that i didn't get anything. So as i opened it with great regret. I started guessing the contents of the present.
I guessed correct! A shoebox! and only a shoebox! That damn asshole went to my condo christmas tree to take the DISPLAY PRESENT!! those empty boxes wrapped in wrapping paper and pretended he bought me sometin. ASSHOLE!! Your So Gonna Get It be4 end of Dec.
We couldn't stop laughing lol, I GOT PUNK'D!!!!! AGAIN!!! zZzZz. You made me upset! It's like taking milk and cookies from a kid at christmas! Just pretend i'm a small boy, and when i open the present so excitedly, there's nothing but a blank empty box staring at me. bottom of box says loser *boo hoo =_=,*
Well things were just starting to get lame so we decided to walk into the construction site down the road, it was dark, dangerous and a mess. Buildings, pillars, nails, spikes and shit everywhere. It was like one of those zombie movies where the town is left in ruins, dangerous sia and very deserted and haunted, ulu in other words.

Click on this pic (See PIC 5) for the zoom, this is how dark and haunted it was. Yet we still walked in! I love haunted places whahaha!
It was seriously scary, but i think my dear friend didn't wanna go in anymore? LOL U PUSSY! hahaha
Scary right? We went in when it's 330am and its pitch black, all we had was my phone and yet again im still taking pictures =) haha
There was this one time i went to OCH, i actually went to one of the levels and used the toilet lol haha, ever1 was wondering where i went, it was jus a toilet zZz. Then was this other time me, my ex and a couple of frens were gonna go in, then for fun i screamed! ahah everyone started running! good times, hiaz i miss her badly.
Oh well, all in all, it's another good and fun day! Thanks for the empty box dude! I HATe YoU!
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