Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Help for a friend =)

Well today was my first exam, didn't do too well i suppose since i was distracted over sometin so stupid and pointless for the last few days. Hmms i'll prob just get a C this time instead of a B hiaz. After tomorrow i will get back to my proper blogs, promise =)

Anyways the reason i'm putting up a posts today is for a friend of mine. Person A, approached me today while i was on the bus to sch. A claims that her relationship is turning sour and she doesn't know what to do. They have been together for a year plus but things have been going badly and the family doesn't approve. Firstly your asking the wrong person on love/relationship advice, BUT i'll try my best to help =). To the rest of the readers, this may not be your cup of tea, so don't say i didn't warn you......

- Firstly, do you love him?
- Do u feel that this is someone who you feel you can spend hours talking to and totally understand each other?
- Is this person faithful and loyal?
- Do you have this wierd warm feeling whenever your next to him/her?
- Does he love you?
- No matter how bad things get, are you guys still together?

Well if you answer the top 6 questions correctly then WHAT ARE YOU SO WORRIED ABOUT??? It doesn't matter if whoever's parents don't approve, cause at the end of the day if your happy, your family will grow to understand that your happiness is more important then all other ( in a relationship sense ). Do not make the same mistake as me and my ex, when shit started to get bad we started loosing hope, yea obviously most of the time one of us will be strong BUT what truly tests a relationship?

In my opinion what a true test is, is when both parties boy and girl, man and woman, guy and guy, gal and gal, start to lose hope on each other at the exact same time! It happens, this kinda thing always happens and when it happens this is when you ask yourself the top 6 questions (above). Think about it, would you live the rest of your life knowing that you gave up or live that small period knowing that you tried to make things work out. Think my dear! think!

Still not getting through to you? Alright how about this. Me and my ex broke up about 1 year, 3 months and a few days ago. And since then, i haven't been the same. It's not that i can't find another someone else or what, but it's that dark feeling inside of you that swallows your heart and mind, and ruins you. You grow into a person who is short tempered, weak, numb, heartless, and just plain boring! *Your Not That Person!!* When your out with friends and family you try to wear a face to cover how you feel, and at nights, especially for the first 6-10 months you never sleep nor do you eat. It becomes so bad that you end up lying in a hospital bed fighting for your life and worse you start thinking of suicide. This is what happened to me and i have the scars to prove it.

SO! I'm not sure how much in love you are, but if you were crazy in love like i was you would know that this is some of the basic things that you want to avoid. If your gonna break up then fine, but do not kill yourself like me and many others do. The things people do for love are always insane and it hurts, believe me it hurts, BUT it's those small little things that you guys cherish together that keeps a relationship strong, little memories, places, things, etc that is small in value but everything in heart.

My advice to you babe is that you don't give up, that both of you find a common ground. When you guys go out call some friends along, make it a group thing whereas it will be more fun and less dormant on the issue when your both alone together. Give it a try! In every relationship there's always it's obstacles, learn to ride against it and not along with it. It hates to see you going through this, i know the pain and i know the feeling, your not alone. I have a friend now going through the exact same thing as you too.

You have many friends and family, if shit gets bad these are the people you turn to, cause they will help you get back on your feet initially but you will have to do the rest of the walking yourself. You have an exam on friday so i suggest you get some studying done, struggle now, push to study like i'm doing, and cry later. Or cry now, take it out and give that final exam one last go. You can do it!

Take Care

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