Anyways spent the next 5-6 hrs at the gym and slacked till evening before heading to tamp to find her bday present. Couldn't find anytin special or nice at all, will look harder over next few days, disappointingly headed back home. Ended up making my way to bedok to stay over at WL's hse for the following morning's kayaking outing. Finally after much pain and endurance from the couch(uncomfortable), it was time to take the bikes and paddle our way over to bedok reservoir. It's been so long since the sea sports club closed, I've forgotten wat it felt like just to be out there in the sea, well in this case bedok reservoir. Anyways it's $15/hr and $8 each subsequent hour.

After we were done with the water activities, we took the bikes and rode through the school,TP, even rode pass my teacher who gave me the "Weird Look!?!?". lolx interesting interesting day, and it gets better with gym activities tonight or jogging. All i need now is a nice steam bath and jacuzzi, too bad my condo jacuzzi is a show piece rather then the actual thing zZz....
Man im bored, im now at tamp TM, MacDonald's waiting for my mother to come from work. Looks like we're going shopping =)
*shop shops shopping* =)
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