Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tues tuesday =)

Pretty Much spent the day resting at home, heading to the gym and a nice steam bath in the sauna. Oh and how can i forget, work =)

Worked at PLAY from 9-3am. It was quite a blast since this time it was an underage event. In short, 16-20 yr old dude and chicks came down from all over the country. 3 bouncers, myself included were to handle 600-700 people inside and outside the club, it was just a pure nightmare! but still it wasn't boring, watching people fight or arguing with the customers, or having customers wanna fight you keeps you awake and alert, thankfully i manage to avoid a fight with some guardian angel watching over me *heng hengs*

Music was great, so great that some of us staff couldn't resist. A showdown took place between some of the staff and customers, it was more like a Dance Off. 2 teams, me and this bartender VS this guy and ang moh gal. The team with the LOUDEST cheer at the end wins! stupid ppl lol, they should think better to challenge people who work in a club obviously we have been watching people dance long enough to have adapted some kinda style, dance moves/originality!?!? HaHA hands down we won, no contest! Damn really should had took the bet, it was like STOMP THE YARD all of a sudden.

Overall cool day, made lots of new friends guys and gal, since it's not gay night today. Shout outs to Robin, Drew, Kristine, Greg and Lydia for the non-alcoholic cocktail =)
hope you dun buy all your new frens drinks lol haha.

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