Well, sure every1 loves dogs hell even i do, but if ever1 is like that what will happen to cats? I've seen cats been treated cruely, harmed, kicked and even killed, this not only happens in Singapore but all over the world! Would it be so hard for each person to do their part? No right, so if u can help me, help me fight for the survival of cats. They are god's creatures too, and if given a CHANCE IN LIFE, they can be so cute, adorable and even a good fren/companion.
Everyday when i come home, Baby Truffles will greet me by meowing, we have set up a nice home for truffie to slp downstairs and we feed him everyday. As for Tesse, everytime i step into the doorway of my house, she will scratch this piece of furniture without fail, it's her way of greeting me. Jus this now tesse was sick, she came up to me and starred with those glistening eyes, now isn't that already sometin? that cats have feelings and emotions? i spend the last 1 hr hand feeding tesse before sis gave her a warm shower.
So this is why i hav cats in my hse and not dogs, not because i favour or am bias to any BUT that no1 else will look after them. I've adopted 2 cats, and found homes for 3-4cats. That's 6 lives i've saved! if u wanna help me, im finding ppl who can adopt cats, so pls help
Mark : 97584075
1)InuYasha Collection CD 1-4 and 8- 12
2)Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban Book (i think my ex's)
3)Nike T-shirt and Shorts
4)Pair of Shoes (i think some gvss student)
6)Couple of Dvd's and Cd's belonging to a few people
7)Tennis ball =_=
It's like my room is the size of the White House! so much shit lying everywhere but all that's changed now baby, i put books and stuff in boxes and labelled them clearly =)
Well it's 12am im sick of doing my room, time for my fav midnight joggin session. i think i will continue later on in the afternoon, but be4 then a few shout outs :
A Few more Drinks LATER.......(pic 4)
......................A threesome =_=
Well all in all it was great fun which lasted till about 5am, of which i continued with my school work and got some sleep be4 making my way to sch at sunlight =)
Great day, Great fun, Great Gays, and Great Company =)