1pm liao made my way to town with craft since he stayed over the night before. On the train there were these 4 people, 3 guys and a girl who kept looking at me. Once i took of my ear piece they were calling my name, to my horror I DON'T KNOW WHO THE HELL THEY ARE! WHAT THE FISH! How awkward?!?!
Anyhow's,,,,,MEt up with my poly friends who were kind enough to accompany me to Sim Lim Square to buy my 8Gb SD Card for mum's mp4. Then we all sat down and chit chat for a few hours before moving to STARBUCKS to chit chat again for another few hours LOL. Good to see all of them again, i've been quite distant especially when they go for K-BOX gatherings as i don't sing that many chinese songs WAIT CORRECTION! i don't memorize that many chinese songs, i'm such a failure to mum's lol, only she speaks the language properly compared to me.
Sometime later it was toilet break! Had to pee out all that caffine! lol!
Pumped into Ninja who happened to be passing by, stupidly enough i said this :
Ninja - Mark : Hey man, nice seeing ya again!
Mark-Ninja : Yea man how's life?
Ninja-Mark : Not bad, shall meet up sometime yea?
Mark-Ninja : Yea sure see you tomorrow bye!
I think i'm just plain dumb or stupid la! lol. I can't multitask that's for certain when sms-ing and talking to people at the same time, gotta learn to break the habbit!
Anyways went shopping afterwards bought this new bag, although everyone tells me i have like a lot of different bags why do i need summore?
The ANSWER ? :
You can never put enough things into a bag, that's why you should have one of all sizes and all occassions. True?
Okok better sum it up, my cat is now jumping all over my bed and sitting on my tv zZz. So after shopping i saw Jane (another coincidence), but i didn't really say hi and she was talking to someone. I sms-ed her instead and when she told me i think to come and find her i already left Bugis on a train back home to pasir Ris. Once again it's our schedules.....
So anyhoo! GTR got off at tamp towards the interchange and i went to T1, had a chat with Ricky and his fren before waiting for the shuttle bus to bring me home. Darn shuttle bus however didn't come for like 30 mins, so i gave up waiting and took a cab. Opened my wallet to pay and i realised i didn't withdraw any money from the bank! WTF! uncle was nice enough to let me go upstairs to my little red piggy bank to get some money out and the best part was he stopped the pay meter so i didn't have to pay for the duration of going upstairs and down again.
OKOK tired tired, gonna watch a few movies with tess and sis since she just got home, mum and dad went out on a midnight movie date woo WOOT followed by some fancy dinner lol. Wish i had a relationship as strong as them, can you imagine your first and last gf/bf all the way till marriage. Awesome!
>>>>Here's some pics courtesy from Sarah

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