Well on a much brighter note, lol, LAst few days have been going out with friends and family etc. Friday after book-out accompanied Denny to get his Girlfriend's cake and look at the present. For years i didn't know he was attached lol, he never told me, he was always listening to my stories, gosh i sound like i talk a lot. But seriously such a lovely couple, wonder why i can't get mine to be like that lol. Anyhow met up with Sunshine and Shawn for coffee before heading home afterwards.
Then rested for like an hour before Lu Zhe and Weilie picked me up with a rental around midnight and headed up to Jalan Kayu for prata, then somewhere along the way we got lost LOL. Ended driving over to Ang Mo Kio Hub to watch a movie. Well that was what we intended till we realise that place don't do midnight movies! Argh! Damn waste of petrol. So drove back to E-Hub at Downtown East for Bowling. Quite a nice night played 4 games and seriously did a lot of stupid shits to last us all the way till 3-4am. Had Subway then went home by 5am.
Seriously people, there's nothing more satisfying then sleeping in on a Saturday morning, so that was what i did. Waking up only at 2am to go to Hafiz's place for Hari Raya Visiting. Mummy, Sis and myself headed over, it was nice to see the family again, had nice chats and stuffs, better when Hakam turned up with his Sister. All of us had a nice good 45 min chat etc before we had to go off. Funny point was when Hakam's Sister (After all these years i keep forgetting her name) asked to take a photo, without realizing i told hafiz and hakam to get into the pic and not her! OPPS! LOL, sorry dear.
Afterwards took mum and sis to bugis, got mum a surprise present for no apparent reason haha. Got her the creative Zen 8Gb mp4 player or something like that. We walked around for awhile before they had dinner and i went off to meet friends. MEt up with old army buddies, Randall and Zarf from BMT had coffee before Louis, Rachael, Ken and his Gf came over to meet up with me since they were in the area. Chit chat all the way till about 10pm balls. Then met up with some friends and took a cab home. Honestly too lazy to go into real details, but it was mostly shopping, (Window shopping), coffee and since i was on a diet, so i ate dinner when i got home while everyone else indulged on Carl's Junior =(
Spent the early hours of the morning chatting to friends and trying to learn how to install the software to this mp4 player, i swear it like has a mind of it's own. OH yea! When i was at bugis, someone tapped me and said " Hey mark, how's it going, shall meet up soon yea". Then before i could say "Who are you?" He walked off with his girlfriend zZz. I swear if people could just stay around for a reply once in awhile it will save the other a whole load of unethical thinking.
Well anyways i have quite a bit of studying to do, before i put movies in this mp4 for mummy and before i can actually go to the gym ALL BEFORE i book into camp. So yea that's gonna suck.

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