LOL i just realised that me and my group of friends can be called the " crippled gang!" haha since we all were injured, and had bandages/cast/sling around our limbs/feet (me) =__=. Cool, funny how we went to T1 and looked like a bunch of freaks! haha. good thing i dun wear one anymore, im healed baby!
Anyways there's so much i wanna say, there's so much i wanna express about things, people, person and family. but i think i'll just hold it. Since i started work, i really miss hanging out with all my frens, worse with army like <2 months away, time is really starting to be something i treasure. So the remainder of this week from today will be doing fun things, such as now, it's 12am, and my fren hasn't showed yet, oh yea im not hungry, so i watch u eat supper LOL. This now was playin with my cat and chatting to sis, good to spend time with her, hardly do nowadays. It's all work and MORE play! who says you can't have fun while working! lol, although ppl i work with can say that i do get stressed up, but when im alone at night shift, is when i shift into gears, burn the oil and get the crazy motor running.

Well you all know me, i like to blend things, mix and match, shake and stir, JUST TO SEE what comes out of it. Here i mixed my usual vegetables such as carrots, corriander, onions, peas etc, used a lil curry powder and food colouring for the rice. I instantly made a simple boring dish radiant with bright colours. Presentation is very important at equally the taste, neither one of them in my opinion can be lacking in order to achieve the true ambience of flavour. Added a few fried potatoes for bulk, this should pretty much complete and indian dish. Did not have any paperdums (indian crackers) to complement it however. Anyways again this is another vegetable dish, healthy and forfilling. Will do more meaty ones soon for u meat lovers out there.
Peace and Love
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