ok la im only bloggin cuz sum1 ask me to update, so ok lor, here i update liao. must be patient la, got interesting stuffs/new pics then will upload.
sunday was my off day, wat did i do? SLEEP!. didn't really train much today except for swim. had mum and sis accompany me to tampines, and yet again it's crowded. i live 5 mins drive from tamp yet i haven't really see T1 yet. im such a bad support of tamp/pasir ris residents, not KiaSU enough to go see new shopping mall =X.
Anyways went over to tamp,,,,then que at singtel hello shop in TM,,,,wah the que damn long, from the shop can stretch to other end of another shop. It was as if singtel giving free phone. Damn heng got this new counter open jus in time, then got this pretty gal point at me, i even more stupid look behind me. Taught wat dunno me want me so fast meh? haha, but luckily she ask me come to front and i dun nid que!!! so good weeeeee! anyways me mum and sis go talk to this guy abt the mio line etc,,,,well actually is i talk, my mummy damn blur dunno wtf is going on. This guy serving us was super friendly, friendly right until GAY!. yes ppl yet again i tio gay. wa lao cannot have peace at all lor.
Ok so i got a new phone, i go new internet, and i bought new house phones, i spent a lot! but it was worth it as it benefits the family. haha! we had dinner and go home. ok update liao end of story. oh yea this picture is especially for you 

With Regards <3
Tissues United Corp
Singapore bla bla bla bla
wa thanks for ur tissue man..
next SUNDAY!! :)
so looking forward right i know.. =X
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