Thursday, October 30, 2008

To celebrate or not?

*Sighs* Does anyone out there get that feeling that you wanna celebrate your birthday with everyone or not at all? This coming monday 3 Nov would be the 20th chapter to Life but i just have no mood to celebrate. Hiaz. Me mates have been pushing me to celebrate whereas another group has been telling me too. I dunno i just feel that i'm too old to celebrate? haha. i dunno la.

So far the plans for my bday would be clubbing with frens for haloween on friday night =), dinner on sat night with frens then again with family, sunday going out followed by monday's which i have no idea what's gonna happen. Supposed to host a bbq at my place, but i just lost the mood to do anything, not to mention the bbq area by the poolside can only house 20 ppl when i have about 50 ppl coming zZz. I dunno i think i'll just go out with ever1 individually i guess. Any opinions? arghhh.

Seriously the thing i miss the most is the company of frens. Since O lvls i haven't been able to keep contact with everyone. DAMN IT!! it's like we keep in contact with those that were always close but for the rest although we're frens and close ( to some extent ), we don't meet up often unless an occasion bbq or birthday. Dang! Hmms maybe next year i'll jus book a bloody chalet and throw ever1 inside, it's gonna cost a couple of 3 digits though. We'll See.

Slept very late this morning good thing my fren called me to pick me up with the car otherwise it would had been another $7 wasted on cab fare =) cheers buddy. Sianz waiting for fren to come over for gym, waiting waiting.

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