I just had a big ass nudging from a dear friend, well she's more like a sis to me. looks like i better take her advice before she kills me. But then again i think you're already gonna kill me right? haha. Too bad i've posted it.
~~^.⬢:*"°:⬢.[ jens ].⬢:*"°:⬢.^~~,,,,, says:
Mark what the hell is with your postings lately? You're like all emo again! Get a grib bro!
...marco... observations through distant echoes says:
What?!?! No la i don't think so. What are you talking about how am i emo?
eh ps but what are u on abt gal.?
~~^.⬢:*"°:⬢.[ jens ].⬢:*"°:⬢.^~~,,,,, says:
Ex-gf this ex gf that, aiya fuck care her la after what she did to you! Move on dude.
...marco... observations through distant echoes says:
Hey Hey Hey you giving me relationship advice? Don't forget who's the only guy who's never left your side LOL
~~^.⬢:*"°:⬢.[ jens ].⬢:*"°:⬢.^~~,,,,, says:
i'm talking about you ok!!!
...marco... observations through distant echoes says:
fine fine fine, you were saying love
~~^.⬢:*"°:⬢.[ jens ].⬢:*"°:⬢.^~~,,,,, says:
ok as i was saying be4 i was rudely interrupted!
you need to jus hack care all these external and foreign influences! You have so much to look forward to, for one your massive makeover, your ideas and skills in business and even your cooking! oh my gawd cook for me again next week bro!
...marco... observations through distant echoes says:
huh? wah
eh no time cook le
what's with the sudden spread of words. looks like you've been watching me closely as u've always. I'm fine la i'm not bothered but i'm just very friendly and i think some people take the wrong way of things
~~^.⬢:*"°:⬢.[ jens ].⬢:*"°:⬢.^~~,,,,, says:
oh ic
well then i'm not sure what i can say but i know that it's time you got yourself a gf!
for goodness sake stop being super friendly with everyone and just be friendly with 1 person, 1 gal i mean.
...marco... observations through distant echoes says:
i have been friendly too a lot of people but that's just me isn't it, i mean you know me that well enough to tell i can't change. nor would i. As for the gal part, i do really like someone, but i think she's really not interested other then being good friends, so i rather have her as a friend then nothing at all. As for the other people i really jus don't like em, don't know why i'm getting all this unwanted attention though. I'm ugly and fat!
~~^.⬢:*"°:⬢.[ jens ].⬢:*"°:⬢.^~~,,,,, says:
ahaha! you stud! So humble as usual. Hey you're not ugly ok! I'm sure a lot of people have told u! You're not fat either, jus big and recently more more muscle looking?!?!
...marco... observations through distant echoes says:
um ok thanks dear!
~~^.⬢:*"°:⬢.[ jens ].⬢:*"°:⬢.^~~,,,,, says:
okok i need to go back to study!
NUS is a bitch wish you were here in school with us!!
...marco... observations through distant echoes says:
oh okays =) um thanks again! lol..
~~^.⬢:*"°:⬢.[ jens ].⬢:*"°:⬢.^~~,,,,, says:
oh and one more thing, start enjoying life! don't be a cry baby and complain complain.AND U BETTER NOT POST THIS ON YOUR BLOG!
...marco... observations through distant echoes says:
zZz...i wasn't gonna. but since you've mentioned it. Look at it by tmr hahah! i'm jus gonna do it to piss u off.
~~^.⬢:*"°:⬢.[ jens ].⬢:*"°:⬢.^~~,,,,, says:
bb argh projects. kk la i go study bye bye.
...marco... observations through distant echoes says: