Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hey guys, hmms well im in the kinda touched moment right now, since i've booked out had quite a lot of people calling me to meet up etc. I'm so sorry guys that i don't have time for everyone, i booked out on sat morning at about 1030am and i go back in sunday 5pm. Quite a short weekend this week, but i've tried to meet everyone. I will make time for everyone next week and the week after i promise, if i missed you out please let me know. Hope all of you are doing fine and i appreciate the comments and messages especially the motivational messages received.

I've been surviving quite well in army, i've enjoyed every bit of it so far and i still try to find time every night to do my usual self-training. Yesterday i bumped into quite a few frens at separate occassions, all of which has been saying that my upper body muscles are tougher and i've lost weight, so now i know that my army + self-training routines are on the right track =)

Sometimes i still ask myself why i choose to stay single, and why did i reject the status of being attached. Then it was yesterday when one of my frens told me this, " It's not the way she looks or the way she feels, it's the way you feel inside about her, your past, and your future." <<<< To rephrase, i believe what my fren meant was that it's not that u have high expectations, it's just that the feeling isn't there?

I don't know honestly, all i know is that i'm not the only one in this position right now, but i'll just wait patiently, doesn't matter how long, but i'll just wait for the right person to come along, when i feel it's right. I'll just have to tahan that emptiness that much longer then i expected.

Take care all,

My Thanks to carmella for sending me a card, love you babe.


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