Wednesday, March 18, 2009

School's out, a new life begins

Wow it's been almsot 2 months since my last post, but hey there's so much to say and tell, the countless parties, outings, work stuffs etc, it's like a never ending story. Well it's been like 2 weeks since i got my results which means ive passed, and finally got that diploma ive been struggling the last 3 years to obtain. And i thought exams were stressed, im more stressed out wondering what i should do with my life now that i'm not under thr grip of education. first thing's first look for a stable job with the help of some frens be4 NS.
Since exams, it's like i don't get to see a lot of frens, some i even lost contact, so fast!! lol, well anyways if ur reading hope we all catch up soon, some kinda outing besides the Genting trip. =)

Will add in more funnny stuff once i get into the blogging mood again =X

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